One of the staple ingredients in our kitchen that no meal is complete without is oil. Since there are various options that you can choose from, every meal can be cooked differently.
From baking, grilling, toppings in salads, or frying oil is essential in the cooking process. As we mentioned there are many options and everything is based on your diet.
Many people tend to use peanut oil as well as vegetable oil. Both will provide a nice touch to your dish and more importantly, they are both healthy.
However, they are different types of oils, so they have their advantages and disadvantages. They are perfect on their own in almost every meal, but the question here is if they can be mixed?
What if you are out of one of them and you need to complete a meal, is it risky to mix these two different types of oils? Can you mix peanut oil and vegetable oil?
The good thing is that yes, you can mix them. However, there are things that you have to keep in mind, such as the different smoking points on both of them.
The dish won’t be ruined, but you have to find a middle ground and cook at a temperature that works for both. Also, read below what are the options when it comes to deep-frying a turkey.
Inform yourself more on the smoking points of the two types of oils and some useful tips.
Mixing Peanut Oil And Vegetable Oil
Now that we know that oils can be mixed, we have to go through some tips in order for you to make everything right and end up with a nice cooked meal.
Peanut oil and vegetable oil can be combined if you are out of one. When combined, they inherit the lower smoking point. This means, if peanut oil has a lower smoking point, then the vegetable oil will start smoking at that point.
You have to take into consideration that there are risks that you need to watch out for. When you are cooking with oil, there is always a risk, meaning fire or it can burn and smell badly.
After the oil reaches its burning point, you need to lower it down, since the smoke will come out and smell. Regarding peanut oil, make sure that no one is allergic to nuts because it may cause a problem.
What we need to conclude is that the smoking point is important, if you mix two different types of oils.
What Happens When Peanut Oil And Vegetable Oil Are Mixed?
It is safe to add peanut oil to fill in for vegetable oil, or just the other way around. We have to mention that there are variations from vegetable oil, so you have to make sure which one you are using before you add peanut oil.
Make sure to read the labels before doing anything, especially the burning point of each. The flavor is another thing you need to consider when you combine oils.
The vegetable oil is flavorless. Thus, deep frying will not taint the food or overpower the flavors. However, that is not the case with peanut oil. This type of oil is flavourful. This means that it will add a special touch to your food.
That’s why when you mix them, the flavors may be different.
A nutty flavor will appear in your meal, especially if you use a bigger amount during frying. If it’s used raw, like in salads, the flavor is much stronger.
A Smoking Point Of Vegetable And Peanut Oil
Now that we know how to mix both types of oils, it’s good to learn more tips regarding the smoking point. This will give you a clear inside and what to keep in mind when it comes to this point.
A smoking point otherwise known as boiling point is the temperature at which an oil or fat begins to smoke. Most fats have a smoking point of 200 degrees and it varies from 350 to 485 F.
When it comes to vegetable oil, it has a variation from 400-450 degrees, while peanut oil is about 450 degrees. Meaning, when they are mixed they will burn at the lower smoking point.
Can You Mix Peanut Oil And Vegetable Oil To Fry A Turkey?
Since it is confirmed that peanut oil and vegetable oil can complete each other. Meaning, they can be mixed, now we need to know if it’s alright to use to fry a turkey.
So you can try to mix them, but it’s a better option to always add fresh oil for deep frying. When it comes to peanut oil, you can reuse it so you can bring out more flavors and smells.
Can You Mix Peanut Oil And Vegetable Oil For Deep Frying A Turkey?
Another important thing when it comes to frying turkey is to know if it’s good to mix up peanut oil and vegetable oil for deep frying. The good thing is that it’s alright, but keep in mind the stronger flavor of peanut oil and how it can affect the taste of the turkey.
What Oil Can You Mix With Peanut Oil To Fry A Turkey?
For deep-frying a turkey, you can use oils that have smoking points above 400 degrees.
You can’t mix peanut oil with vegetable oil, because it has a lower smoking point it’s so it is not good for deep frying. Peanut oil can be mixed with other oils but you have to know that usually, the oils have a stronger taste. This may affect the taste of the meal you are making, in this case, a turkey.
Related Questions
Can you mix any oil with peanut oil?
You can mix almost any oil with peanut oil, but keep in mind the smoking point and flavors of the oils.
Can you mix oils when deep-frying?
You can mix oils for frying, but keep an eye on the flavor of the oils. Meaning, mix oils that have a similar taste.
Can I mix cooking oils?
Yes, any vegetable oil can be combined with different types of oil. Keep in mind the burning point and taste before mixing.
Is mixing cooking oils bad?
No, it’s normal and a good option to mix oils when you run out of one. Make sure to combine oils that have similar burning points or tastes, so the difference won’t be much noticeable.