A prevalent household item that almost everyone in the world eats is bread. Bread has been around for the longest time. According to some research I did, bread was invented somewhere between 12,000-14,000 years ago.
Sliced bread, on the other hand, began in 1928. This was an entire 16 years after an American inventor by the name of Otto Rohwedder began working on the idea. When it was advertised in 1928 for the first time as “The greatest forward step in the baking industry since bread was wrapped.” This saying is what actually eventually started the idiom “greatest thing since sliced bread.”
The medieval European era was when bread became a staple in every household. Depending on your wealth back in these times, there were many different qualities of bread.
The ones that all the wealthy and noble families could enjoy, were made of the finest grains they had back then, making them white in color. The name of this type of bread is manchets.
Unlike when it was first made, these days we have appliances that were made to keep our food cold, if it needs it or if you just would like it cold. These appliances are refrigerators and freezers.
So, does bread go in the fridge or freezer? If so, how do you properly store it so it can last? There are answers to these questions along with others you may not have thought about on the way, so keep reading!
Does Bread In The Fridge Go Bad?
Putting bread in a fridge should be done properly to avoid it going bad. If you don’t, it can make the bread go stale and dry out really bad. It is even worse for homemade bread to be kept in the fridge.
Now, if you properly store your fresh or store-bought bread in the fridge, you should be A-Okay to do so. How do we properly store bread in the fridge though? To store fresh bread. It is best to wrap it tightly in plastic wrap and then placed it in a resealable or ziplock bag.
Proper storage of store-bought bread is basically the same thing. The only two differences between the storing of fresh versus store-bought in the fridge are the fact that store-bought bread is loaded with preservatives that definitely enhance its shelf and refrigerator life span.
The other one is the packaging before storing. Fresh bread, as said above, is packaged tightly in plastic wrap, while store-bought can just be kept in the bag it is bought in.
Can Bread Last 2 Weeks In The Fridge?
Sliced, store-bought bread can last in the fridge for 7 to 10 days as long as it is stored properly. However, to fully answer this question. As long as you do everything needed before storing it, and you make sure the bread isn’t hard or moldy, it should be okay to stretch to the 2-week mark.
Fresh bread can last up to nine days if stored properly in the fridge. So, this doesn’t exactly reach that 2-week mark, but usually homemade and freshly made items don’t last as long because of the simple fact that they are fresh and not pumped with preservatives and shelf stabilizers.
If you decide the fridge isn’t for you, there is another option we will be covering next, which is the freezer. Many people do this for their own reasons. Is it a good way to store bread for a while? It possibly is, keep reading on to find out.
How Long Can Bread Be Stored In The Freezer?
Before you attempt to store your bread in the freezer, you need to know how to. You first have to make sure that your loaf, or slices, of bread, is completely cooled down. This is to avoid any icicles forming from raising the temperature in the freezer. This very obviously wouldn’t be a very good idea.
If you are considering freezing as your option for storing bread whether for a while or for the first time, you might have some questions about it. This should be your option if you’re planning on storing bread for more than a few days.
To answer the question, you can store bread in the freezer for about 2 to 6 months. If that isn’t enough time and/or would like to store it longer than that, freeze whole loaves instead of slices. That way it stays fresher longer.
Bread In The Fridge Or Freezer?
Throughout the research to create this article, it seems that it is favorable to freeze your bread, whether it be slices or an entire loaf. This is because storing it in the fridge can cause it to become stale, moldy, and/or hard.
Now, this isn’t saying that it’s wrong if you do put it in the fridge, you will just have better luck putting it anywhere else, including the counter or even a breadbox.
How Long Does Homemade Bread Last
Homemade bread will last 3 to 5 days when stored in airtight containers at room temperature. Any kind of tin or bread box is acceptable, as long as the lid is a tight-fitting one. You could also use a cloth bread bag if that is what you prefer.
If you put homemade bread in the fridge, it can be in there for about 6 to 9 days. Although as stated multiple times, it is NOT recommended. If you want to store for a while, do the freezer option. It is also said that covering fresh homemade bread with a kitchen cloth can also help keep the bread fresher longer, and keep that nice soft inside.
The answer to this question really does depend on how you store it, and the type of bread you make as well. There are so many factors that come into storing and knowing how long you can store it.
How To Check If It’s Bad
There are plenty of ways you can check to see if your bread has gone bad. Usually, if it is store-bought bread, there is an expiration date on the package/bag.
That is a best-by-date, which means that the freshness will start to deteriorate. However, store-bought bread can be good five to seven days after the expiration date.
Another way you can tell that your bread has gone bad is if it feels hard. This is because it was exposed to oxygen for an extended amount of time, becoming stale. It also doesn’t have flavor anymore since it is completely dried out. However, it is still edible, just not favored to eat.
Another way to tell when your bread has gone bad is by the smell. If your bread smells sorta sourish, throw it away immediately. There isn’t any reason to just ignore the fact that it doesn’t smell right.
Like with anything in the kitchen food-wise, when in doubt throw it out. If you see any mold, whether it is just a little bit, or if it’s all over the bread throw it out! Some people may say you can just cut out the moldy areas, which is true, but if you aren’t surviving, there isn’t really a reason you should eat it.
Smelling the bread is the best way to tell if it is bad, but if you can’t rely on your nose, the next thing you could try is a tiny taste. It will taste sourish and definitely off. You don’t need to taste a lot just a tiny bit will be fine.
How To Keep It Fresh Longer
This question has a pretty complex and long (-ish) answer. To keep everything easier to read and a lot more organized, let’s check out these tips and tricks we can use to help us keep our delicious, crumby bread fresh longer, so we can enjoy it more. These tips should absolutely help anyone and everyone out, here they are:
- Store it in a breadbox. This is one of the older and classic ways to store bread. This way the bread is safe in a closed box, on the counter.
- Store in the freezer as we have explained and talked about in the article.
- Using an airtight container will help whether it is in the freezer or on the counter. If you don’t use an airtight container with the airtight lid completely sealed, the bread will become stale from being out in the air.
- Cloth bags are an environmentally friendly way to keep your bread fresher. Make sure the bag is tightly closed however way you do it.
- The last tip to help keep your bread fresh longer is by making the bag you bought airtight. We all buy bread from the grocery store, and they all usually come with a bread clip or a twisted piece to keep it closed. If you continue to take the air out of your bag and keep it closed with one of those, it will be alright.